Midlands Water Scheme

Midlands Water Scheme

Arthurs Supply Pipeline

The Arthurs Supply Pipeline project is located in rugged bush country in the centre of Tasmania, conveying irrigation water from Arthurs Lake in the Central Highlands to a hydroelectric power plant near Woodbury (on the Midland Hwy, approx. 20 km south of Ross). The water will subsequently be used to irrigate crops for human consumption and livestock fodder. The project includes a section of welded steel high pressure pipeline, approximately 5km in length, which will be constructed in very steep terrain.

Minmetals provided SAWH steel pipes manufactured in China, with 3PE external coating, inorganic silicate external coating and internal cement lining coating. Due to Minmetals material resourcing network in China, the pipelines have a high-standard quality complying with Australian Standards and a big economic savings.

Client: Fulton Hogan
Contract Date: May 2013