design, fabrication and delivery of 204 modular accommodation units
Dugald River Accommodation Village
The MMG Dugald River zinc mine is one of the largest zinc deposits in the world. The project site is located approximately 85km north-east of Mount Isa and 60km north-west of Cloncurry, in north-western Queensland. The village consists of permanent accommodation for 500 workers and 176 temporary rooms for motelling.
Minmetals were responsible for design, fabrication and delivery of accommodation 164 three-bedroom modular units, 25 four-bedroom modular units, 5 two-bedroom modular units, 1 two-bedroom modular units with disabled configuration, 8 laundry units and 1 disabled laundry unit, a total of 204 modular units. Careful consideration was also ensured for transport with less than 0.001% of overall damage in transit. Building form and methods of construction have been developed which maximise efficiency and performance and are in built to respond appropriately to the context of a remote environment.
Client: MMG
Contract Date: February 2013